Archive for April, 2023

Update on Improving Fellowship Review: A Request for Information

Posted by Noni Byrnes">Noni Byrnes on April 25, 2023

NIH is recommending changes to the peer review of Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) fellowship applications by restructuring the review criteria and modifying some sections of the PHS Fellowship Supplemental Form that are specific to NRSAs. The goal of this effort is to facilitate the mission of NRSA fellowship peer review – to identify the most promising trainees and the excellent, individualized training programs that will help them become the outstanding scientists of the next generation. The proposed changes will 1) allow peer reviewers to better evaluate the applicant’s potential and the quality of the scientific training plan without undue influence of the sponsor’s or institution’s reputation; and 2) ensure that the information provided in the application is aligned with the restructured criteria and targeted to the fellowship candidate’s specific training needs. The RFI requests public input on this proposal. To comment, go to the RFI, which
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Navigating the NIH

Posted by Chuck Dunn on April 13, 2023

NIH has a vested interest in receiving proposals from a wide range of investigators, from a wide range of applicant institutions. However, data on funding of research project grants (RPGs) and a recent analysis done by CSR on applicant institutions for National Research Service Award (NRSA) fellowship applications indicate some disparities among institutions in terms of funding and application rates. In FY 1985-2020, the top 10% of organizations received approximately 70% of RPG funding (Open Mike, Jan 18, 2022;Lauer and Roychowdhury, 2021). An analysis of NRSA fellowship applications in 2021 found skewed application rates; 15 institutions submitted more than 100 applications, while 106 institutions submitted one or two applications (Final report of the CSR Advisory Council Working Group on Peer Review of NRSA Fellowship Applications). To assist investigators/institutions that are submitting fewer applications, we’ve developed this resource to help clarify the process, highlighting institution- and investigator-specific information, including key actions
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