Revitalizing the Early Career Reviewer Program
In June I wrote that we intended to re-evaluate our Early Career Reviewer (ECR) Program. Thanks to the work and ideas of many people, including some of you, I can provide you with an update. In July, I convened a CSR Advisory Council Working Group, comprising two members of the CSR Advisory Council (Drs. Mark Peifer and Elizabeth Villa), two CSR SROs (Drs. Kristin Kramer and Antonello Pileggi), and four scientists who recently served as ECRs (Dr. Vinay Aakalu, University of Illinois at Chicago; Dr. Stephanie Cook, New York University; Dr. Lisa Jones, University of Maryland; and Dr. Manuel Llano, University of Texas at El Paso). I am very grateful to all the members of this working group for their thoughtful recommendations, which were informed by the members who had direct experience as ECRs, as well as by ECR survey results and input from the broader scientific community of early
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